                        LINUX ASSEMBLER TUTORIAL


                              Robin Miyagi

start@: Thu Feb 03 02:14:37 UTC 2000

update: Fri Jul 30 23:52:23 UTC 2000

update: Fri Sep 15 22:39:17 UTC 2000 :

    - This tutorial  now explains  Linux assembler in  terms of  the GNU
      assembler `as'.

    - Information  about  Binutils programs  such  as  Objdump, and  ld.
      Discussion     on     Debugging     and    `gdb'     is     added.

update: Thu Jan 11 20:13:06 UTC 2001 :

* Introduction

    When programming in  assembler for Linux (or any  other Unix variant
    for  that matter),  it  is important  to  remember that  Linux is  a
    protected mode  operating system  (on i386 machines,  Linux operates
    the  CPU in  protected mode).   This means  that ordinary  user mode
    processes are not allowed to  do certain things, such as access DMA,
    or access IO ports.  Writing  Linux kernel modules on the other hand
    (which  operate in  kernel  mode), are  allowed  to access  hardware
    directly  (Read the Assembler-HOWTO  on my  assembler page  for more
    information on this issue).  User mode processes may access hardware
    using  device files.   Device files  actually access  kernel modules
    which  access hardware directly.   This file  will be  restricted to
    user mode operation.  See my pages on kernel module programming.

    Please email me comments  and suggestions regarding this tutorial at
    penguin@dccnet.com .

* System Calls

    In  programming  in assembler  for  DOS  you  probably made  use  of
    software interrupts,  especially the  int 0x21 functions  which were
    the DOS system calls.  In Linux, system calls are made via int 0x80.
    The sytem call number is passed via register EAX, and the parameters
    to the  system call  are passed via  the remaining  registers.  This
    discussion only  applies if there  are no more than  five parameters
    passed to  the system  call.  If there  are more than  5 parameters.
    The parameters  must be located in  memory (e.g. on  the stack), and
    EBX must contain the address of the beginning of the parameters.

    If you  would like a  list of the  system call numbers, look  at the
    contents   of   /usr/include/asm/unistd.h.    If  you   would   like
    information about a specific system  call (e.g. write ()), type `man
    2 write'  at the prompt.   Section 2 of  the linux man  pages covers
    sytem calls.

    If you  look at the contents of  /usr/include/asm/unistd.h, you will
    see the following line near the top of the file;

    #define __NR_write                4

    This indicates that  register EAX must be set to 4  in order to call
    the  write  () system  call.   Now,  if  you execute  the  following

    $ man 2 write

    you  get  the following  function  description  (under the  SYNOPSIS

    ssize_t write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t count);

    This indicates that ebx is equal  to the file descriptor of the file
    you want  to write to, ecx  is a pointer  of the string you  want to
    write, and edx  contains the length of the string.   If there were 2
    more parameters  to this system call,  they would be  placed in esi,
    and edi respectively.

    How do I know  the file discriptor for stdout is 1.   If you look at
    your /dev directory, you will  notice that /dev/stdout is a symbolic
    link  that  points to  /proc/self/fd/1.   Therefore  stdout is  file
    descriptor 1.

    I leave looking up the _exit system call as an exercise.
    In linux, system calls are processed by the kernel.

* GNU Assembler

    On  most Linux systems,  you will  usually find  the GNU  C compiler
    (gcc).  This compiler  uses an assembler called `as'  as a back-end.
    This means that the C compiler translates the C code into assembler,
    which in turn is assembled by `as' to an object file (*.o).

    `As'  uses  the AT&T  syntax.   Experienced  intel syntax  assembler
    programmers find  AT&T `really weird'.  It  is really no  more or no
    less difficult than  intel syntax.  I switched over  to `as' because
    there is  less ambiguity, works  better with the  standard GNU/Linux
    programs such as gdb  (supports the gstabs format), objdump (objdump
    dissassembles  code in  `as' syntax).   In short,  it is  a standard
    component of a GNU Linux system with programming tools installed.  I
    will explain debugging and objdump later in this tutorial.

    If  you would  like more  information about  `as' look  in  the info
    documentation under  as (e.g. type  `info as' at the  shell prompt).
    Also look  in the info  documentation on the Binutils  package (this
    package contains such programming tools as objdump, ld, etc.).

** GNU assembler v.s. Intel Syntax

    Since most assembler documentation  for the i386 platform is written
    using  intel syntax,  some comparison  between the  2 formats  is in
    order.  Here is a summarized list of the differences;

      - In `as' the source comes before the the destination, opposite to
        the intel syntax.

      - The opcodes  are suffixed with  a letter indicating the  size of
        the opperands (e.g. `l' for dword, `w' for word, `b' for byte).

      - Immediate values must be prefixed with a `$', and registers must
        be prefixed with a `%'.

      - Effective      addresses     use     the      General     syntax
        DISP(BASE,INDEX,SCALE).  A concrete example would be;

            movl mem_location(%ebx,%ecx,4), %eax

        Which is equivelent to the following in intel syntax;

            mov eax, [eax + ecx*4 + mem_location]

    Now  for an example  illustrating the  difference (intel  version in

        movl %eax, %ebx                # mov %ebx, %eax
        movw $0x3c4a, %ax
    Now for our little program;
        ## hello-world.s

        ## by Robin Miyagi
        ## http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Ridge/2544/

        ## Compile Instructions:
        ## -------------------------------------------------------------
        ## as -o hello-world.o hello-world.s
        ## ld -o hello-world -O0 hello-world.o

        ## This  file is  a basic  demonstration of  the  GNU assembler,
        ## `as'.
        ## This program  displays a friendly string on  the screen using
        ## the write () system call
        .section .data
        .ascii         "Hello, world!\n"
        .long         . - hello
        .section .text
        .globl _start
        ## display string using write () system call
        xorl %ebx, %ebx                # %ebx = 0
        movl $4, %eax                # write () system call
        xorl %ebx, %ebx                # %ebx = 0
        incl %ebx                # %ebx = 1, fd = stdout
        leal hello, %ecx        # %ecx ---> hello
        movl hello_len, %edx        # %edx = count
        int $0x80                # execute write () system call
        ## terminate program via _exit () system call
        xorl %eax, %eax                # %eax = 0
        incl %eax                # %eax = 1 system call _exit ()
        xorl %ebx, %ebx                # %ebx = 0 normal program return code
        int $0x80                # execute system call _exit ()


    In the above program, notice the use of `#' to start comments.  `As'
    also supports the `/* C comment *' syntax.  If you use the C comment
    syntax, it works exactly the same  as for C (multiple lines, as well
    as inline commenting).  I always use the `#' comment syntax, as this
    works better with  emacs' asm-mode.  The double `##'  is allowed but
    not neccessary (this is only because of a quirk of emacs asm-mode).

    Notice the names  of the sections .text, and  .data.  these are used
    in ELF  files to tell  the linker where  the code and  data segments
    are.  There  is also the  .bss section to store  uninitialized data.
    It  is  only  these  sections  that occupy  memory  durring  program

* Accessing Command Line Arguments and Environment Variables

    When an  ELF executable starts  running, the command  line arguments
    and environment variables are  available on the stack.  In assembler
    this means that  you may access these via the  pointer stored in ESP
    when  the program  starts execution.   See the  documentation  on my
    assembler programming page relating to the ELF binary format.

    So how  is this  data arranged on  the stack?  Quite  simple really.
    The  number of  command line  arguments (including  the name  of the
    program)  are stored as  an integer  at [esp].   Then, at  [esp+4] a
    pointer to the first command line argument (which is the name of the
    program)  is stored.   If  there were  any  additional command  line
    parameters,  their pointers  would be  stored in  [esp+8], [esp+12],
    etc.  After  all the  command line argument  pointers, comes  a NULL
    pointer.   After  the NULL  pointer  are  all  the pointers  to  the
    environment variables,  and then finally a NULL  pointer to indicate
    the end of the environment variables have been reached.

    A summary of the initial ELF stack is shown below;

    (%esp)         argc, count of arguments (integer)
    4(%esp)         char *argv (pointer to first command line argument)
       ...         pointers to the rest of the command line arguments
    ?(%esp) NULL pointer
       ...         pointers to environment variables
    ??(%esp)         NULL pointer

    Now for our little program;
        ## stack-param.s ###############################################

        ## Robin Miyagi ################################################
        ## http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Ridge/2544/ ##########

        ## This file  shows how one  can access command  line parameters
        ## via the stack at process  start up.  This behavior is defined
        ## in the ELF specification.

        ## Compile Instructions:
        ## -------------------------------------------------------------
        ## as -o stack-param.o stack-param.s
        ## ld -O0 -o stack-param stack-param.o
        .section .data

        .byte 0x0a
        .section .text

        .globl _start

        .align 4
        movl %esp, %ebp                # store %esp in %ebp
        addl $4, %esp                # %esp ---> next parameter on stack
        movl (%esp), %eax        # move next parameter into %eax
        testl %eax, %eax        # %eax (parameter) == NULL pointer?
        jz end_again                # get out of loop if yes
        call putstring                # output parameter to stdout.
        jmp again                # repeat loop
        xorl %eax, %eax                # %eax = 0
        incl %eax                # %eax = 1, system call _exit ()
        xorl %ebx, %ebx                # %ebx = 0, normal program exit.
        int $0x80                # execute _exit () system call

        ## prints string to stdout
putstring:        .type @function
        pushl %ebp
        movl %esp, %ebp
        movl 8(%ebp), %ecx
        xorl %edx, %edx
        movb (%ecx,%edx,$1), %al
        testb %al, %al
        jz done_count_chars
        incl %edx
        jmp count_chars
        movl $4, %eax
        xorl %ebx, %ebx
        incl %ebx
        int $0x80
        movl $4, %eax
        leal new_line_char, %ecx
        xorl %edx, %edx
        incl %edx
        int $0x80
        movl %ebp, %esp
        popl %ebp

* The Binutils Package

    Binutils stands  for binary utilities,  and includes a lot  of tools
    useful to programmers, especially durring debugging.

    I will now address some of these utilities.

** Objdump

    Objdump  diplays information  about  1 or  more  object files.   For
    example, to  see information  about param-stack, type  the following
    command  at  shell  prompt   (be  sure  working  directory  contains

        objdump -x param-stack | less

    Since the  information is likely to  span more than  one screen, the
    output  of objdump  is piped  to the  standard input  of  the paging
    command  `less'.   the option  `-x'  tells  objdump  to display  the
    numeric information in hexadecimal.  Here is the output of the above

        stack-param:     file format elf32-i386
        architecture: i386, flags 0x00000112:
        start address 0x08048074
        Program Header:
            LOAD off    0x00000000 vaddr 0x08048000 paddr 0x08048000 align 2**12
                 filesz 0x000000be memsz 0x000000be flags r-x
            LOAD off    0x000000c0 vaddr 0x080490c0 paddr 0x080490c0 align 2**12
                 filesz 0x00000001 memsz 0x00000004 flags rw-
        Idx Name          Size      VMA       LMA       File off  Algn
          0 .text         0000004a  08048074  08048074  00000074  2**2
                          CONTENTS, ALLOC, LOAD, READONLY, CODE
          1 .data         00000001  080490c0  080490c0  000000c0  2**2
                          CONTENTS, ALLOC, LOAD, DATA
          2 .bss          00000000  080490c4  080490c4  000000c4  2**2
        08048074 l    d  .text        00000000
        080490c0 l    d  .data        00000000
        080490c4 l    d  .bss        00000000
        00000000 l    d  *ABS*        00000000
        00000000 l    d  *ABS*        00000000
        00000000 l    d  *ABS*        00000000
        080490c0 l       .data        00000000 new_line_char
        08048076 l       .text        00000000 again
        08048087 l       .text        00000000 end_again
        0804808e l       .text        00000000 putstring
        08048096 l       .text        00000000 count_chars
        080480a0 l       .text        00000000 done_count_chars
        00000000       F *UND*        00000000
        080480be g     O *ABS*        00000000 _etext
        08048074 g       .text        00000000 _start
        080490c1 g     O *ABS*        00000000 __bss_start
        080490c1 g     O *ABS*        00000000 _edata
        080490c4 g     O *ABS*        00000000 _end


    Notice the  Information provided from the program  header (ELF files
    have  header  information  at  the  beginning  of  the  file  giving
    information to the kernel on how to load the file into memory etc.).

    ELF files also contain  information about the sections (contained in
    section tables).  Notice that  the .text section contains 0x4a bytes
    of information, is located 0x74  bytes into the file, and is aligned
    at a  4 byte  boundary (4  == 2 **  2), has  memory allocated  to it
    (ALLOC), is readoly, and contains  code (the segment selector cs for
    this  process  points to  this  section  (handled  by the  operating

    Information  about   the  symbols   is  also  provided.    All  this
    information  is used  by debuggers  and other  programming  tools to
    examine binary files.

    Objdump can also be used to dissasemble binary executables.  Typeing
    the following command will  dissassemble the file to standard output
    (this does  nothing to the actual  file, as objdump  only reads from
    the file);

        objdump -d stack-param | less

    Here is the output of the above command;

        stack-param:     file format elf32-i386

        Disassembly of section .text:
        08048074 <_start>:
         8048074:        89 e5                        movl   %esp,%ebp
        08048076 <again>:
         8048076:        83 c4 04                     addl   $0x4,%esp
         8048079:        8b 04 24                     movl   (%esp,1),%eax
         804807c:        85 c0                        testl  %eax,%eax
         804807e:        74 07                        je     8048087 <end_again>
         8048080:        e8 09 00 00 00               call   804808e <putstring>
         8048085:        eb ef                        jmp    8048076 <again>
        08048087 <end_again>:
         8048087:        31 c0                        xorl   %eax,%eax
         8048089:        40                           incl   %eax
         804808a:        31 db                        xorl   %ebx,%ebx
         804808c:        cd 80                        int    $0x80
        0804808e <putstring>:
         804808e:        55                           pushl  %ebp
         804808f:        89 e5                        movl   %esp,%ebp
         8048091:        8b 4d 08                     movl   0x8(%ebp),%ecx
         8048094:        31 d2                        xorl   %edx,%edx
        08048096 <count_chars>:
         8048096:        8a 04 11                     movb   (%ecx,%edx,1),%al
         8048099:        84 c0                        testb  %al,%al
         804809b:        74 03                        je     80480a0 <done_count_chars>
         804809d:        42                           incl   %edx
         804809e:        eb f6                        jmp    8048096 <count_chars>
        080480a0 <done_count_chars>:
         80480a0:        b8 04 00 00 00               movl   $0x4,%eax
         80480a5:        31 db                        xorl   %ebx,%ebx
         80480a7:        43                           incl   %ebx
         80480a8:        cd 80                        int    $0x80
         80480aa:        b8 04 00 00 00               movl   $0x4,%eax
         80480af:        8d 0d c0 90 04 08            leal   0x80490c0,%ecx
         80480b5:        31 d2                        xorl   %edx,%edx
         80480b7:        42                           incl   %edx
         80480b8:        cd 80                        int    $0x80
         80480ba:        89 ec                        movl   %ebp,%esp
         80480bc:        5d                           popl   %ebp
         80480bd:        c3                           ret    

    The `-d' tells objdump to  disassemble sections that are expected to
    contain  code (usually the  .text section).   Using the  `-D' option
    will disassemble all  sections.  Objdump was able to  give the names
    of labels  in the code because  of the information  contained in the
    symbols table.

    The first column  displays the virtual memory address  for each line
    of code.  The second  column displays the machine code corresponding
    to its  respective assembler line of  code, and finally  the code in
    assembler is contained in the 3rd column.

    For more information look in the info documentation system.

** Getting the amount of memory used with size

    If you do an `ls -l stack-param' you get the following

        -rwxrwxr-x    1 robin    robin         932 Sep 15 18:21 stack-param

    This tells you  that the file is 932 bytes  long.  However this file
    also contains header tables, section tables, symbol tables etc.  The
    amount of memory that this program will use durring run time will be
    less than this.  To find out actual memory use, type the following;

        size stack-param

    The above will result in the following output;

           text           data            bss            dec            hex        filename
             74              1              0             75             4b        stack-param

    This tells you that .text  occupies 74 bytes, and .data occupies one
    byte, for a total of 75 bytes memory use.

** Getting rid of symbol information with strip

    The strip command can be used  to get rid of the symbol information.
    With no options, this command  only strips symbols that are not used
    for debugging.  With the `--stip-all' option provided, it will strip
    all  symbol  information, including  those  used  for debugging.   I
    recommend not doing this, as  this makes the files harder to analyse
    with the standard  programming tools.  This command is  used only if
    file size is of paramount importance.

* debugging and gdb

    Perhaps  the  most difficult  aspect  of  programming is  debugging.
    Quite  often  the  error   that  caused  the  program  to  terminate
    abnormally  is not  at the  line where  the program  terminated (the
    example later on will show this).

    Program that exits with SIG_SEGV
        ## stack-param-error.s #########################################

        ## Robin Miyagi ################################################
        ## http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Ridge/2544/ ##########

        ## This file  shows how one  can access command  line parameters
        ## via the stack at process  start up.  This behavior is defined
        ## in the ELF specification.

        ## Compile Instructions:
        ## -------------------------------------------------------------
        ## as --gstabs -o stack-param-error.o stack-param-error.s
        ## ld -O0 -o stack-param-error stack-param-error.o
        .section .data

        .byte 0x0a
        .section .text

        .globl _start

        .align 4
        movl %esp, %ebp                # store %esp in %ebp
        addl $4, %esp                # %esp ---> next parameter on stack
        leal (%esp), %eax        # move next parameter into %eax
        testl %eax, %eax        # %eax (parameter) == NULL pointer?
        jz end_again                # get out of loop if yes
        call putstring                # output parameter to stdout.
        jmp again                # repeat loop
        xorl %eax, %eax                # %eax = 0
        incl %eax                # %eax = 1, system call _exit ()
        xorl %ebx, %ebx                # %ebx = 0, normal program exit.
        int $0x80                # execute _exit () system call

        ## prints string to stdout
putstring:        .type @function
        pushl %ebp
        movl %esp, %ebp
        movl 8(%ebp), %ecx
        xorl %edx, %edx
        movb (%ecx,%edx,$1), %al
        testb %al, %al
        jz done_count_chars
        incl %edx
        jmp count_chars
        movl $4, %eax
        xorl %ebx, %ebx
        incl %ebx
        int $0x80
        movl $4, %eax
        leal new_line_char, %ecx
        xorl %edx, %edx
        incl %edx
        int $0x80
        movl %ebp, %esp
        popl %ebp

    Notice  that the  above  program is  assembled  with the  `--gstabs'
    option of  `as'.  This make  as put debugging information  in output
    file,  such as  the  original source  file,  debugging symbols  etc.
    Using  `objdump  -x stack-param-error  |  less'  will  show you  the
    inclusion of debugging symbols.

    Now to find out where our error occurred type the following command;

        gdb stack-param-error

    this will get you to the gdb prompt `(gdb)';

        (gdb) run eat my shorts
        Program recieved SIGSEGV, segmentation fault
        count_chars () at stack-param-error.s:47

        47         movb (%ecx,%edx,$1), %al
        Current language: auto; currently asm
        (gdb) q
        [~]$ _

        (gdb will output more than this, I just wanted to highlight what
        is important).

    This  tells us that  the segmentation  fault occured  at line  47 of
    param-stack-error.s.  However the problem was caused in line 29.  If
    you look  at line 29 of  stack-param.s, you will see  that this line
    reads `movl (%esp), %eax'.  This is due to the way intel i386 opcode
    lea handles  NULL pointers.  EAX was  never loaded with 0  on a null
    pointer (just some invalid pointer),  which caused line 47 to access
    an  area  of  memory  not  available  to  this  process  (hence  the
    segmentation fault).  The loop  in _start () never stopped normally,
    as the condition for breaking out  of the loop is eax being 0, which
    never happened.

    Debugging is an art that  comes with practice.  For more information
    about gdb, look  in the info pages (e.g. `info  gdb').  You can also
    type `help' at the (gdb) prompt.

    The only  reason gdb was  able to tell  you what line number  in the
    source  code the  error occured  is that  the debugging  symbols and
    source code was included in the output file (recall that we used the
    `--gstabs' option).

    Comments and suggestions <penguin@dccnet.com>


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