오후 4:39 2008-02-25
조경민 bro@shinbiro.com
RTOS on hardware

OS의 일부 기능을 hardware로 구현하여 overhead를 줄이는 분야
특히 OS의 scheduler나, synchronizer를 하드웨어로 만드는게 주류

개괄 설명 강추 자료
6th RTL Workshop: RTOS Acceleration techniques -- Review and Challenges
Co-processor apporach
- task scheduling co-processor
- onchip programmable I/O processor
RTOS Primitives in Hardware
- F-Timer
- Spring Scheduling Co-processor
Hardware RTOS
- Silicon TRON
Instruction Set Customization
- task switch같은 OS기능 custom 명령을 추가하여 하드웨어에서 처리

Multitasking operations require more hardware based RTOSes
By Tommy Klevin, Product Manager, RealFast AB, Vasteras, Sweden, EE Times
February 24, 2003 (10:36 a.m. EST)
Embedded OS도 요즘 multitasking을 많이하는데, sw기반 os에서는 clock tick인터럽트를 이용하여 task switch를 한다. 그러나 clock tick을 쓰지 않고 직접 task switch interrupt를 구현하자.이렇게 함으로써 20% cpu time을 app에서 더 쓰게 할 수 있다.
다른 장점으로 clock tick을 sw task switch에 쓰지 않기 때문에 hw kernel은 sw커널보다 clock tick 단위를 1ms이하로 핸들할 수 있게 된다.

Sierra RTOS
스웨덴 realfast사(realfast.se)에서 2005년에 개발
이 후 prevas사에서 판매

Lennart Lindh, From Single to Multiprocessor Real-Time Kernels in Hardware,  1995 IEEE

spring project
real time kernel을 hardware coprocessor로 놓은 것(1991)

RTU (real time unit으로 scheduler, semaphore등 일부 기능만 하드웨어로 만듬)
FASTCHART (1992), FASTHARD (1993), RTU94 (1994, 이기종 멀티프로세서향)

- deterministic multitasking and multiprocessor real time kernel,
- the speed with which real time service calls are executed is increased by several orders of magnitude compared with a conventional CPU-based solution.
- no clock tick interrupt to the CPU is needed.

-no memory requirements,
-no special instruction format,
-no special CPU, only one interrupt and an external data bus (FASTHARD and RTU94).

- simpler software system since the program code for the real time kernel does not occupy CPU memory,
- simpler timing analysis of the system,
- improved understandability when the system is divided into parts (complexity reduction),
- all RTK service calls are isolated in the RTU (no problem with interference between different service call
- no external interrupt handler in the software,
- simplified debugging of the software tasks, since different protection modes are not required,

Scheduler in FPGA

Paper Reference
대부분이 IEEE에서 찾은 것으로 파일명이 제목이니 구글 검색해보면 논문을 볼 수 있다.
1991_00144077_Fastchart-a fast time deterministic CPU and hardware based real-time-kernel.pdf
1991_00139929_FASTCHART-idea and implementation [virtual machine].pdf
1992_00637466_FASTHARD - A Fast Time Deterministic HARDware Based Real-time Kernel.pdf
1993_00393392_The spring scheduling co-processor- a scheduling accelerator.pdf
1993_00393510_The Spring scheduling co-processor- Design, use, and performance.pdf
1993_00639104_FASTCHART - Performance, Benefits and Disadvantages of the Architecture.pdf
1995_00516193_From single to multiprocessor real-time kernels in hardware.pdf
1996_00557849_Real-time kernel in hardware RTU- a step towards deterministic and high-performance real-time systems.pdf
1999_00748199_The spring scheduling coprocessor- a scheduling accelerator.pdf
2002_GIT-CC-02-19_A New Multiprocessor RTOS Kernel for. System-on-a-Chip Applications.pdf
2003_01195108_A comparison of the RTU hardware RTOS with a hardwaresoftware RTOS.pdf
2005_01547468_Application specific real-time microkernel in hardware.pdf
aspdac_2003ppt_A Comparison of the RTU Hardware RTOS with a HardwareSoftware RTOS.pdf
2005_01568513_Reconfigurable hardware operating systems.pdf
2005_01612697_hthreads- a hardware_software co-designed multithreaded RTOS kernel.pdf
2005_RTSS_FPGA_Scheduler_FPGA Implementation of a Priority Scheduler Module.pdf
2007_04289055_A Real-Time Hardware-Based Scheduler For Next-Generation Optical Burst Switches.pdf
2007_04380686_ReconOS An RTOS Supporting Hard-and Software Threads.pdf
2007_04427426_Configurable Hardware-Software Support for Single Processor Real-Time Kernels.pdf

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이거는 HW OS가 아니네.. 알고보니 HW Synthesis 개념을 도입해서 C로 태스크레벨 작성하면서 SynthOS_Sleep();같은 함수 넣어놓으면 작성된 태스크에 맞춰서 최적화된 OS를 컴파일해주나보네.

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